There is a variety of state and local programs and resources for businesses starting, relocating, or expanding operations in the greater Ann Arbor region. The business development team at Ann Arbor SPARK can help you navigate the landscape and provide personalized assistance.

Business Location and Expansion Resources

  • Michigan’s Industrial Facilities Exemption: Also known as PA 198, IFT, or Industrial Facilities Tax, this exemption remains one of the most commonly-used economic development tools in Michigan.
  • Michigan’s Business Development Program: This tool is used to encourage job creation and investment in Michigan when the company could choose a location elsewhere and Michigan wants to be competitive.
  • Opportunity Zones in Washtenaw County: Opportunity Zones provide federal tax relief for capital gains invested in certain low-income locations around the United States. Through the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the U.S. Congress Opportunity Zone program was created to stimulate investment in economically distressed communities as designated by selected United States census tracts. States could designate up to 25 percent of low-income census tracts as Opportunity Zones. Here in Washtenaw County, we have Opportunity Zones located in Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, and Chelsea.
  • Innovate Ypsi: This incentive program is designed to provide funding to businesses that create jobs and investment in the 48197/98 zip codes. Projects are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by a review committee, with consideration given to the type of project, number of new employees, capital investment, financial support, and impact on the community.
  • Advance Your Business: This business consulting and grant program is designed to support small businesses (five employees or fewer) that were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Microloan Programs: Microloans are an important way for growing businesses to gain access to capital when more traditional financing isn’t available. View a list and details of some available microloans around the greater Ann Arbor area.