Copyright 2025 SPARK

Made possible with support from the Song Foundation, up to 60 companies may be accepted to compete IN TEAMS on the Main Stage at the University of Michigan football stadium October 10, 2023 for $150,000 of non-dilutive funding and free legal services with a $5,000 MiSpringboard grant from Varnum LLP. Please read all eligibility and competition details below before applying!


  • Must be headquartered or have significant base of operations in the state of Michigan
  • Must have an established, full-time founding team
  • Product must be in market and generating ARR
  • Committed to growing the business/team in the state of Michigan (does not exclude also growing out of state)
  • Companies who have already raised $2 million or more in funding (excluding state or federal grants) are not eligible
  • Past winners (recipients of prize funding) of the MFF Venture Competition are not eligible

Become a Spark Client

The first step towards SPARK entrepreneurial services is filling out a client intake application.