Mobility News
- Refraction AI’s Matthew Johnson-Roberson on finding the middle path to robotic delivery. Related, A Texas chain partners with Refraction AI to deliver pizzas with AVs.
Regional Updates
- Business Facilities Magazine highlights Michigan’s talent attraction: “Similarly, Silicon Valley-based KLA chose Ann Arbor, Mich. as the home to its second North American headquarters from an initial list of 350 locations with the rich talent pipeline coming out of the University of Michigan and high quality, but affordable lifestyle the city offered being key to that decision. In the midst of a pandemic, KLA has been exceeding its hiring benchmarks in Ann Arbor as it nears completion on its permanent campus in Michigan.”
- Community hub moving into former Lucky’s Market space in Ann Arbor
Startup Ecosystem
- Bushel Inc. Acquires FarmLogs; FarmLogs here
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