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SBTDC running new SBIR matching fund for state

The MEDC and state of Michigan have really come through with an excellent SBIR matching program.  The dollars are significant, the qualification criteria is reasonable, process for applying is clear, and impact will be quick and right on target for reaching the goal of commercializing some of the awesome technology produced in this state. The bonus may be that we bring in more federal dollars than ever for research that will turn into products that will help get our economy going again.

Here’s where you can learn more about it, MI-SBTDC web site. The fund is called the Michigan Emerging Technologies Fund which provides for-profit companies a grant to fund those things required to run a business that are not covered in SBIR grants.

The fund provides up to $25,000 for Phase 1 grants and up to $125,000 for Phase 2 grants.  Companies applying for these grants in 2008 and fall into one of the state’s four priority technology sectors are eligible.

We really like this fund as it fills yet another capital need for our start-ups. If you are applying for an SBIR this year I encourage you to check this out early in your process, definitely before you make your application.

About the Michigan Emerging Technologies Fund