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Press Release from Eduvators:

A New incubator for startup companies in the higher education technology space has been created in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  “Eduvators” is designed to work in concert with the University of Michigan TechArb, providing space, Internet and business and technical mentorship to startups with prototype technologies for higher education.  The incubator will be made available to startups for a fixed period of time usually six months or less.  Participants will be selected on the basis of a written proposal and subsequent face-to-face meeting.  Successful applicants will be able to provide evidence of market need, technical capability and business planning.  Each successful applicant will be provided access to independent business and/or technical mentors.  The successful applicants will negotiate an equity agreement with Eduvators for the space and with each mentor based on expected value of the relationship.

Eduvators, located in downtown Ann Arbor is led by Perry Samson, a co-founder of The Weather Underground and co-founder of LectureTools Inc.  For more information please contact