Copyright 2025 SPARK

Deadline to apply for the 21st Century Jobs Fund competition is moved to June 30

The SEIC Board has not yet selected a peer review organization for the 21CJF competition.  Their next meeting to make that decision is in mid-June, after the original June 4 deadline.  Therefore they had to push out the date.

It is actually a good thing in that it gives companies more time to raise their matching investments and/or commitments.

Have you registered?  No cost to register or obligation to apply so do it and get that step off your plate. Then go in and look at the actual application.  Doing so will probably generate some questions.  Submit those questions via the FAQ link.  The MEDC has been responsive in getting answers posted quickly.

We’re trying to stay up on the process so check back with us from time to time or feel free to call.