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SensiGen of Ann Arbor receives $250,000 from Pre-Seed Fund

The Michigan Pre-Seed Capital Fund made its 4th investment last week.  SensiGen of Ann Arbor received a $250,000 investment as part of their $520,000 round.  SensiGen is a biotechnology company focused on gene based molecular diagnostics that will enable early detection of diseases. To date, SensiGen’s technology platform has been applied to the development of proprietary diagnostic tests for human papillomavirus (HPV), the primary cause of cervical cancer, and to kidney disease, a serious condition associated with diabetes, hypertension, and lupus.

These funds will be used to initiate Analyte Specific Reagents (ASR) validation and prepare for a first round of venture funds for development and launch of the HPV assay, along with some continuing work to finalize the Kidney test product.

This investment brings the total investments from the fund to date to over $850,000.  Applicant deal flow has hit 25 with several companies pending still looking for their match.

Skip Simms
Ann Arbor SPARK