Copyright 2025 SPARK

A new rental subsidy program is being rolled out in the New Year in Downtown Howell.

The program is geared towards retail, dining, arts and entertainment-based businesses looking to locate their business in downtown Howell. Through the support of Lake Trust Credit Union, Howell Main Street Inc. will be able to provide rental assistance for up to the first 12 months that the business is in operation. Only two businesses will be accepted and funded under the program for the 2019 pilot program. In addition, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce is offering a free year of Chamber membership to the selected businesses. Interested new businesses must complete an application of interest and meet various criteria that will help ensure the business can be successful in the long-run in downtown Howell.

“Howell continues to find innovative ways in creating a vibrant and energetic downtown that supports small businesses,” said Marcia Gebarowski, Ann Arbor SPARK director for business development for Livingston County.

The rental assistance program is the first of its kind to debut in Michigan. Howell will pilot the program and after the initial year plans to work with Lake Trust, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, as well as the Michigan Main Street Center to offer a similar program in other communities. Applications and program details are available through the provided link.

Adapted from content originally published by WHMI 93.5.