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Every business needs to understand its own culture.  Culture is the glue that holds an organization together while those associated with the organization accomplish the tasks required by the work environment.

As situations change, traditional leadership attempts to control outcomes.  The problem is that leaders can be removed from the work itself.  Informal work systems are created to get the real work done  – the employees know what to do, who to talk to, etc.Business Woman - Company Culture

The work culture usually remains the same until significant changes occur within the organization and create a disruption in productivity.  Events such as growth, downsizing, or change in leadership can upset the existing culture and internal balance.

Often times, when change is introduced into an organization, employees do not respond as the change just does not “fit”.  An example can be seen when employees, who suggest how to improve the organization, attempt to implement change and find that they are defeated by known conventions.

Leadership needs to take an active role in ensuring their organizational culture employs practices that improve employee engagement, optimize business practices, and enhance overall organizational performance.  This comes from understanding the formal guidelines put in place by upper management as well as the underlying informal “shop floor” practices.

Ann Arbor SPARK will be offering a workshop that explores how organizational culture can be the glue that holds a company together.  This session will explore management styles that can lead to unlocking human potential within the organization.


About Neil Simon

Neil J. Simon is the founder and President of the Business Development Group. Neil has  significant experience working with organizations and individuals to develop and implement strategies, in order to improve their performance through enhancing and realizing Intellectual Capital and change their culture,   While focusing on organizational leadership, strategic change, and tactical implementation, Neil developed the A2D4 Collaborative Consulting Approach in order to assist organizations nationally and internationally in their efforts to innovate, design, or re-design processes, departments, divisions, or entire organizations.