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Guest Blog: Are you feeling the website redesign blues?

May 23, 2018 Regional Updates
Graphic of man with hand on face using laptop-Website Redesign Blues

Tech Trek participating company Pure Visibility is using the event to call attention to a hard truth: website redesigns are giving folks the blues.  

We see it all the time. A website redesign is a huge project with a lot on the line. It’s stressful not knowing for sure if you’re making the right decisions. It’s even worse when you do a relaunch and watch your traffic plummet and your rankings disappear.

Well, don’t let it get you down, my friend. No matter what stage you’re at in the process, there’s still a lot you can do to shore up your new site and prevent the loss of your previous SEO efforts. And know that you can fix what’s broken even if you’ve already relaunched to a less-than-desirable effect—it just takes some time and a solid plan.

With more than 13 years of digital marketing experience, we’re experts at helping businesses navigate the website redesign process. Our core focus is digital visibility, and to that end, we’ve pulled sites back from the brink of disaster and helped others dig out of an unexpected post-launch slump.

Join us at Tech Trek for some commiseration and libations. We’ll have live blues from the one-and-only Bull Halsey, free snacks and drinks (both the adult- and kid-friendly kind), and lots of friendly faces, ready to swap war stories from the trenches of redesign.

Still singing the digital marketing blues? Pure Visibility is also offering free digital marketing workshops throughout the week of Tech Trek.