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Four Livingston County companies are among more than 90 companies statewide that have received training funds from the state’s Workforce Development Agency as part of the new Skilled Trades Training Fund program.  Area companies awarded grants include CRW Plastics USA, Inc., ($95,000); Thai Summit America Corporation ($90,035), Total Security Solutions, Inc. ($17,936) and Brighton NC Machine, $33,000.  Together, these companies plan to hire more than 200 new workers in the next year.

The program provides funding for employer-led training projects in an effort to better align talent with employer needs. A variety of training options are available including traditional classroom programs, apprenticeship programs, and customized training programs.  The program is available for any occupation where there is a documented talent need.

“The Skilled Trades Training Fund allows employers access to workers who possess the skills needed to grow their business,” said Workforce Development Agency Director Christine Quinn in a prepared statement.  “Employers are involved in every step of the process, including identifying key skill sets and recommending the appropriate type of training. This level of involvement translates into job growth for the business and job opportunities for the workers.”

A total of $10 million has been allocated for the Fiscal Year 2014 Skilled Trades Training Fund program. Grants will be awarded on an ongoing basis until all funds are committed. As of November 22, the Workforce Development agency reported $5.7 million of the $10 million allocation has been committed.

According to William Sleight, Director of Livingston County Michigan Works!, “These training funds will improve our local economy by helping companies  increase the skills of their current and future employees.  We are pleased that we can help these companies address their talent needs.”

Other companies interested in applying for these funds should do so quickly, Sleight said. “We expect that the entire $10 million state allocation will be committed soon.  However, even when these funds are gone, Michigan Works! will continue to have access to other resources to help companies find and develop their workforce.”

Area companies interested in applying for the Skilled Trades Training Fund should contact Mary Switzer at (517) 552-2104 as soon as possible.