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CEO Podcast: Thomas Gawne, Senior Manager, Yeo & Yeo

June 4, 2018 Regional Updates
Paul Krutko and Yeo & Yeo podcast-square

Yeo & Yeo is a Michigan-based, premier accounting firm with industry-specialized accountants and consultants who provide a wide-range of business, auditing, and accounting solutions. The Ann Arbor office opened in 1998, and today finds itself gravitating toward growth strategies for startups, small businesses, and medium enterprises.

For 10 years, Yeo & Yeo has sponsored the Ann Arbor SPARK FastTrack Awards which recognizes fast-growth “gazelle” companies. The sponsorship extends to the firm’s partnership with SPARK by evaluating the award applications. Thomas Gawne, senior manager at Yeo & Yeo shares with Ann Arbor SPARK’s president and CEO, Paul Krutko, how much Yeo & Yeo values the FastTrack Awards. Hear why Thomas defines the event as a “momentous occasion” as well as receive some great financial advice for businesses!

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud