Ann Arbor SPARK welcomes Hygieia, Inc. to SPARK Central, the Ann Arbor business incubator. Founded in 2008, Hygieia, Inc. is developing an endocrinologist-to-go, called Private-Doc, a glucose meter with unique software that interprets a patient’s blood sugar data. This allows the patient to change insulin dosages right away rather than waiting to be assessed by a physician. By managing their own dosage changes with Private-Doc, diabetics can consistently maintain control of their blood-sugar levels, a key to optimal diabetic care. Dr. Eran Bashan was studying electrical engineering when he partnered and co-founded Hygieia with Dr. Israel Hodish, an Endocrinologist and faculty member in the division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes for the University of Michigan Helath system.
Starting with merely the idea of Private-Doc, Dr. Bashan sought guidance with the Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center, which helped him develop a business plan and focus efforts on creating a fundable and successful business. Now at the Spark Central incubator, Hygieia will have opportunities to utilize meeting space, administrative support, advanced communication technology, mentoring and other educational events. Hygieia also takes advantage of the Business Accelerator Services, which is designed for innovation-based companies in early stages of product or service-based development. It offers additional professional business-building services like networking, marketing, recruiting, and legal services. The goal is to shorten time required for start-ups to attract capital, customers, and other resources in order to give the company the best chance for business success.
Find out more about the SPARK Central Business Incubator
Contact Lori Emerson by phone at (734) 527-9153 or by email:
Contact Hygieia by phone at 734.527.9160 or by email: