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After grabbing lunch with Maureen Krauss, Director of Oakland County Economic Development & Community Fairs, at Jason’s Deli we both agreed that it good but NO Zingerman’s! We were then off to our meeting with AngelouEconomics to chat with Steve Vierck, President of Economic Development. Steve is a native of the Midwest. We agree the view from his office is pretty amazing BUT I bet he misses the beautiful fall colors we are enjoying right now in Michigan! He gave our group great insight on what trends he has been experiencing. From data centers to renewable energy, his firm has been very busy lately. He learned of our Governor-elect Rick Snyder and hopes that with new leadership Michigan can continue to propel itself to the short list of top places to grow manufacturing for the renewable energy of the future. He also was generous and gave some great recommendations for places to experience great Austin entertainment. We are all looking forward to hearing the great music of Austin!