Copyright 2025 SPARK

That’s right. Ann Arbor SPARK is preparing to open our SPARK East Business Incubator. Located at 211 W. Michigan Avenue in Ypsilanti, the SPARK East facility is 8,000 square feet and is the perfect space for a small start-up. Look at what the raffle winner will receive!

Tenant amenities include:

  • Cubicle and office space for 15-20 companies
  • VOIP phone system
  • T-1 internet connection
  • Full kitchen
  • Two conference rooms
  • Administrative resources: access to copiers, fax machines, conference rooms, cleaning services
  • Nearby free parking
  • Preferred status for Mingle & Match talent events
  • Dedicated recruiting staff to source and screen candidates for your openings
  • Monthly meetings with the SPARK East Entrepreneur Resource Board (ERB) — the ERB is comprised of experts in the fields of banking/finance/startups/marketing/sales/HR/logistics. Each entrepreneur provides a 5 minute report to the group of board members and fellow entrepreneurs and then receives a lightning round of 10 minutes of feedback and suggestions. This will infuse new ideas and keep the entrepreneur focused on their mile stones.
  • Access to “Expert Office Hours” where ERB members host coffee chats for incubator tenants
  • Inclusion in the Ann Arbor SPARK Power Lunch series
  • Free admittance into “Entrepreneur Education 1.0: Launch” and “Entrepreneur Education 2.0: Growth” program series

SPARK will have a table at ACE next week. Members of SPARK staff will be available throughout the event. At the table you’ll be able to register for the drawing and review the incubator tenant criteria. The drawing will take place at the end of the evening. While you’re there you can also learn how your company:

  • May be eligible for a $250,000 investment.
  • Can benefit from talent, retention and attraction activities.
  • Could gain access to high-value life science equipment.

We look forward to seeing you there!