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a2Tech360 event A2.AI Machine Learning Conference Available Online

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A2.AI is the first conference of its kind in the Ann Arbor area, focusing on how machine learning and applied artificial intelligence enable businesses to make more informed and actionable decisions with their data. The second annual event took place on September 23, 2020, in a virtual format and consisted of five live presentations and a pre-recorded roundtable broadcast.

If you are interested in these topics but were unable to attend, you’re in luck! The entire conference was recorded and all content is now available for on-demand viewing

A2.AI was an a2Tech360 partner event hosted by RXA — an Ann Arbor SPARK entrepreneurial services client. a2Tech360 is a week-long celebration of the Ann Arbor region’s dynamic, growing, and innovating tech ecosystem featuring 16 virtual events and more than 30 hours of content.