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7 Indispensable Tools for Selling in Tough Times

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Selling is difficult in good times. So, imagine what it is like in tough times.  Buyers are unsure of the future, have even more objections to your products or services, will have a tough time justifying any expenditure to management, and will need concrete examples of how they will be successful.

Qualifying potential customers on need, time frame, authority, decision criteria, and funding are especially important so that you don’t waste valuable energy, time, and money chasing a prospect that will never sign. While partners struggle with selling their own products, let alone yours, they are looking for ways to increase value and improve their differentiation. 

Indispensable Tools to Navigate Tough Times

Qualifying Buyers
How to qualify buyers and deciding on what parameters to qualify.

Case Study Development
How to develop and promote case studies that will drive business.

Early Stage Customer Acquisition
How to get your first few customers and leveraging that into a scalable business is essential to startup success.

Justification Toolkit
How to help your buyers internally justify your solution.

Establishing Effective Partnerships
How to build a successful partner program and support partners so that they actually generate sales for you.

These seven topics are covered in free eBooks that are available to you from Arbor Dakota and sponsored by Ann Arbor SPARK. Go to Tools for Selling in Tough Times and enter spark 2020 as the promotion code at checkout to eliminate charges. 

While these tools may not completely cure your sales ailments, they can improve your odds of success in these tough times. For more resources and information related to COVID, please see our blog.