Copyright 2025 SPARK

Did you know that the gender leadership gap isn’t estimated to be closed for another 130 years? If you think that’s BS, you should join us!

BYO brown bag lunch and enjoy a time of collective empowerment, refreshment, and learning at Bamboo.

Dr. Allison Boone, founder of Centered Leadership, will host an introvert-friendly networking and community-building event for like-minded women. She’ll weave together her personal leadership story and share insights from her research on what matters for women’s leadership development.

Come learn why the latest research confirms what we already knew: Women have the skills, instincts, and strengths to be transformational and empowering leaders. In fact, women are particularly well suited to lead in uncertain, changing, and highly adaptive times (aka right now). Join the workshop to learn why!

Leave with a coaching tool that will transform your conversations and help you build deeper connections with all types of people.

This is an inclusive event. Leave feeling energized and empowered.