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The Medical Device Summit is the annual gathering of the statewide med-tech community. It is designed for attendees to learn about the latest in medical device technologies, regulations and marketplace, and especially what Michigan’s cluster has to offer to those developing and manufacturing innovative medical products. Hear the state’s most outstanding med-tech and related thought leaders share their perspectives on topics of the day.

Featured Med-Tech Session | CEO’s Unplugged – Navigating Today’s Health Economy
The post-pandemic world is rife with challenges and opportunities – changes in the healthcare delivery environment, barriers and entrance to markets, access to talent and workforce, keeping up with innovation and disruptive technologies, dealing with supply chains – all requiring deft skills to manage and sustain growth. Get the inside scoop from industry leaders on a range of business-critical topics.

Featured Speakers: 

  • Mark Forchette | CEO, Delphinus Medical Technologies
  • Scott Merz | CEO, MC3 Cardiopulmonary
  • David Van Slingerland | CEO, Sterling Industries