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Have you ever used ChatGPT for tasks you repeatedly do, putting in effort to fine-tune its responses, wishing you could save that customization? Unlock the potential of AI by learning to create your own custom GPT model using ChatGPT 4 in our interactive workshop. 

Building a custom GPT might be the perfect solution, offering a tailored AI experience that excels in specific tasks with unmatched precision and efficiency.  Our session begins with a demo to show you the ropes of customizing GPT, along with a series of tips and tricks on how to preview, test, and refine your GPT’s behavior.  This is followed by a hands-on segment where you’ll build your own model with expert guidance. No GPT4 account? Join a shared session for a complete experience. Ideal for anyone keen to leverage AI’s power for specialized needs, this workshop equips you with the skills to craft your personalized AI tool.

This workshop is for anyone interested in using ChatGPT better or creating their own custom GPTs. This class is for all skill levels where you can exercise your creativity in a fun, casual environment.

Please Note: 
While a “Plus” plan with OpenAI is recommended for those wishing to experiment independently during the workshop, we ensure a rich, hands-on experience for all attendees, regardless of their subscription level.

About Us: 
Integrate Detroit’s mission is to support the development of software engineering capabilities within Detroit and to reduce the race and gender gap amongst software technologists in Detroit.

Meet Your Instructors:
Steve Schreiber has been a dynamic presence in software development for over 30 years, growing from a Programmer/Analyst to a Director of Engineering. His career showcases a wide range of experiences in different business environments and software areas. Steve is skilled in both the hands-on technical aspects and the bigger-picture strategic planning of software development.

Steve is celebrated for his creative thinking. He’s been crucial in creating prototypes for innovative projects, showing a sharp understanding of technology trends. His efforts in bringing new ideas to market have helped set high standards in the industry. Steve also holds several patents in machine learning, including advancements in the use of F-measure for ML model evaluation, highlighting his deep knowledge of technology and how to apply it.

Steve’s diverse career and proactive thinking make him a standout figure in the world of software development and innovation.