Copyright 2024 SPARK

AWS Kendra is an intelligent enterprise search engine powered by machine learning. It not only provides the traditional “10-blue-links” search results, but is also able to answer natural language questions, such as “Q: where is the IT support desk? A: 1st floor”. This talk will explain how the “open domain question answering” NLP model works in AWS Kendra.

About the Speaker:
Daniel Zhou works as a Sr Applied Scientist in AWS Kendra. His current research interest is human-centered AI and NLP. He received a PhD from the University of Michigan School of Information.


  • This is an offline, in-person event
  • Doors open at 5:30 p.m. The talk will begin at 6:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m.
  • Pizza and light beverages will be served (courtesy of Ann Arbor SPARK).
  • (Optional) The group will move to the bar nearby for socializing following the talk.