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Tech on the Edge is a Natural Fit for a2Tech360

May 22, 2019 Startup Ecosystem
Tech on the Edge event banner-Two workers working together

This year, Ann Arbor SPARK is hosting its fifth annual A2 Tech Trek as part of the week-long a2Tech360 series of events, highlighting the startup community and innovative work being completed right here in Ann Arbor. New this year is Tech on the Edge a celebration specific to biotechnology.

On Thursday, June 6 from 3 – 8 p.m., Michigan Innovation Headquarters (MI-HQ) is hosting an expo to showcase biotech companies located in Ann Arbor.

Life Science in Ann Arbor

The Ann Arbor area boasts a high concentration of companies in the life sciences industry, focused on pharmaceuticals and therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, research tools, informatics, industrial biotechnology, and much more.

“These life science companies are working on everything from therapeutics that combat the effects of childhood cancer, to medical devices that make lab testing procedures more accurate and less costly, to super-absorbent, biodegradable polymers meant to provide a sustainable solution for baby diaper filling,” says Stephen Rapundalo, PhD, MichBio President and CEO. “Ann Arbor is truly at the leading edge of biotechnology research and product development.”

Tech on the Edge is a natural addition a2Tech360

“At MI-HQ we have dozens of biotech companies who are doing innovative work and pushing the boundaries of science and of technology,” says Mark Smith, MI-HQ president. “Plus, with our location just off West Liberty Road, our companies are simultaneously on the edge of downtown Ann Arbor and the cutting edge of technology — so Tech on the ‘Edge’ is the perfect event to showcase their work.”

With the bio-industry contributing more than $14 billion to the Michigan economy and employing more than 40,000 people, it is an important economic driver.

“What’s more,” continued Rapundalo, “ours is an industry that is driven to save lives. Building up the biotechnology sector in Ann Arbor, and throughout the state, is an important piece of that larger mission.”

“The vision for A2 Tech Trek,” says Jennifer Olmstead , Director of Business Development at Ann Arbor SPARK, “has been to facilitate public awareness of the cutting-edge technologies being developed right here in Ann Arbor. Tech on the Edge will further cement in the public consciousness that Ann Arbor is also a hotbed for biotechnology born out of the University of Michigan and the strong entrepreneurial ecosystem that is embedded in the city’s identity”

Tech on the Edge is a free event featuring more than 30 Ann Arbor-based biotechnology companies.  The event will be hosted by MI-HQ at 242 Community Center at 648 S. Wagner Rd with tours of the neighboring MI-HQ facility at 600 S. Wagner Road. The event runs from 3 – 8 p.m. with exhibitors from until 3 – 6 p.m. and an afterglow party with live music from 6 – 8 p.m. Rishi Narayan, co-founder of Underground Printing, will present a keynote address at 5:30 p.m.

For more information about Tech on the Edge, visit