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February SEIC Board Meeting cancelled

The Michigan Strategic Fund Board meets next Wednesday.  Although the minutes of their January meeting are not on-line yet it is common knowledge that they did not approve the SEICs request to start a new round of funding for Michigan start-ups.  The MSF wants to use the $34 million for other programs.  Some of those dollars may be for programs that will help Ann Arbor respond to the opportunities and challenges we face with the closing of the Pfizer facility.

But it puts on hold the next round of funding through the 21st Century Jobs Fund.  Attached is a link to a summary of the January SEIC meeting by David Haviland.  Although David thinks the next round could start in May or June, don’t be surprised if it is much later in the year.

21st Century Jobs Fund Application Delay
Start of next round of funding for start-ups via 21CJF unknown