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Unique partnership program provides real world experience for students as it promotes downtown Howell


Howell MI – Soon, Howell’s downtown will be bustling with young people focused on their smartphones. It’s not the next wave of Pokémon Go…it’s the result of a unique partnership between Cleary University and the Howell Main Street / DDA that will provide an educational experience for the students while promoting the businesses and happenings that make downtown Howell a great place to work, live, play and stay.

CU Downtown is a program spearheaded by Kevin Cook, former Main Street DDA intern (and now Board volunteer) along with Cleary University Marketing students led by Professor Robert Bellenir. The program provides Cleary marketing students with real world social media and marketing experience while promoting downtown Howell as the heart and hub of the community. The program lasts until the end of the fall semester.

“We are very excited about this new partnership program with Cleary University students as the 10 week curriculum will cover so many topics while giving students a hands-on real social media business experience.” states Howell Main Street Inc./DDA Director Cathleen Edgerly. “The students will be interacting with and helping promote our wonderful downtown businesses, events, and highlighting community leaders; all while bringing their own fresh perspectives to our district.”

The students will manage various social media platforms, including Facebook®, Instagram®, Twitter®, YouTube®, posting content about business and community happenings. The students will research and interact with downtown businesses, as well as Howell Main Street Inc./ DDA, using their findings to provide a fresh perspective of downtown Howell.

“Our goal is that Cleary students get real world experience with the daily ups-and-downs of working on client projects,” said Bellenir. “Students will gain hands-on problem solving experience that will be beneficial for any position they take on as an entrepreneur or in corporate America.”

Content will begin appearing over the next week and includes topics such as downtown dining, Howell Through the Lens (a visual stroll through downtown), Faces of Howell, Shop Howell / Shop Local, and holiday promotions. Other topics may be added organically based on the research findings of the students. 

Current followers of Howell Downtown/Howell Main Street, Inc. on the various social media platforms are encouraged to Like or follow CU Downtown on Facebook and Instagram.


About Howell Main Street DDA

Howell Main Street Inc./DDA is a volunteer-led organization focused on creating a vibrant, strong and economically viable downtown. Its mission is accomplished by using the Main Street Four-Point Approach™ to further commitment to historic preservation, infrastructure improvement, quality events, and promoting downtown Howell as the heart and hub of the community.