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Livingston County Economic Development Council Unveils Positive Economic Outlook for 2024–2026

Report Highlights Promising Economic Future for the Region

Howell, MI – August 13, 2024 – The Economic Development Council of Livingston County (EDCLC), in collaboration with Ann Arbor SPARK and the University of Michigan, has announced the release of the Livingston County Economic Outlook 2024–2026 report. This comprehensive report highlights Livingston County’s strong economic performance and the positive projections for the years ahead.

The report was researched and written by economists from the University of Michigan’s Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, including Jacob T. Burton, Gabriel M. Ehrlich, Donald R. Grimes, and Michael R. McWilliams, who are recognized national experts and authors.

A Resilient Economic Journey

Livingston County has been a powerhouse of growth in Southeast Michigan, consistently outperforming state averages. From 2000 to 2019, the county’s payroll jobs increased by 31%, while the population grew by 21%, reaching over 192,000 residents. These rising tides fueled an 18% growth in the labor force, solidifying Livingston’s reputation as an attractive place to live and work.

Navigating Pandemic Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges, but Livingston County showed remarkable resilience. From February to April 2020, about 30,200 residents lost their jobs, and the unemployment rate soared to 22.3%. However, the county rebounded quickly. By the end of 2020, over 21,000 residents had returned to work, reducing the unemployment rate to 5.9%. Employment levels fully recovered by March 2023, and by April, the unemployment rate dropped to 2.0%, the lowest in Michigan. Between March 2022 and April 2024, Livingston consistently had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state.

Bright Prospects Ahead

Looking forward, the report anticipates continued economic expansion for Livingston County. Job growth is expected to exceed pre-pandemic levels by 5.6% by the end of 2026, compared to a 2.9% increase for Michigan. The county’s unemployment rate is projected to remain between 2.5% and 3.0%, underscoring its strong economic foundation.

Sector-Specific Highlights

  • Construction: The sector continues to lead job recovery efforts, with significant growth expected. Blue-collar industries overall are projected to see a 9.7% increase in employment by 2026 compared to 2019 levels.
  • Health and Social Services: Private healthcare and social services are anticipated to grow significantly, contributing to a 4.0% increase in higher-educational attainment services jobs by 2026.
  • Professional Services: The county expects healthy growth in professional, scientific, and technical services, enhancing its diverse and dynamic job market.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the positive outlook, the report highlights areas requiring attention. Wage growth at jobs located in Livingston County has lagged behind the state average, increasing by only 4.8% from 2000 to 2023, compared to Michigan’s 11.2%. This slower wage growth is partly due to commuting patterns in Livingston County, where many residents commute to work in high-paying metro areas outside of the County.

Additionally, accommodating continued labor force growth will be essential as the county attracts new residents and businesses. By 2026, Livingston’s labor force is projected to be 4.8% higher than in 2019.

To address the challenges of wage growth and labor force development, Ann Arbor SPARK is actively supporting local manufacturers through the FAME AMT program, which serves as a key talent pipeline development initiative, and by facilitating employer collaborative groups like the Livingston County Manufacturers Collaborative to align workforce needs with emerging opportunities.

A Vision for the Future

Livingston County’s economic future is bright, with sustained job growth and an increasingly diverse economy. The report underscores the importance of attracting higher-paid jobs and fostering growth industries to ensure long-term prosperity. By leveraging its strengths and addressing challenges head-on, Livingston County is well-positioned for continued success.

“Livingston County’s resilience and sustained growth, even in the face of unprecedented challenges, is truly remarkable. This report highlights not only our strong recovery but also the promising future ahead, with projected job growth and continued economic expansion,” said Marcia Gebarowski, Ann Arbor SPARK’s Director of Business Development — Livingston County. 

The full report is available to read here.

About Ann Arbor SPARK

Ann Arbor SPARK, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to advancing the economy of the Ann Arbor region, making it a desired place for innovation, business growth, and talented individuals to live and work. Our mission is to position the Ann Arbor region as a hub recognized for its academic, business, and community resources, as well as our collaborative culture. By encouraging and supporting business acceleration, attraction, and retention, Ann Arbor SPARK identifies and meets the needs of businesses at every stage, from startups to large organizations. We collaborate with business, academic, government, and community investor partners to foster a thriving ecosystem. For more information, please call (734) 761-9317 or visit

About the Economic Development Council of Livingston County (EDCLC)

The Economic Development Council of Livingston County (EDCLC) is dedicated to strengthening the economic base of Livingston County through job retention, expansion, attraction, and development. By collaborating with public and private entities, the EDCLC fosters community and economic development activities to benefit all Livingston County stakeholders.