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What does a great brunch say about a city? Well, we're not sure but it's gotta be better than if we only had a Denny's. The Freep points to five bodacious brunches in our humble burg.
"A friend from Ann Arbor recently described the home of the Wolverines as “brunch heaven” — a boast that almost begged to be tested. Detroit and its suburbs, after all, has more good brunch options than anyone could visit in a year, and the list keeps growing. But I adore Benedicts and waffles and all the rest — and occasionally, But I adore Benedicts and waffles and all the rest — and occasionally, I even have a Bloody Mary for research purposes — so I took the bait. I can’t say it’s better brunch territory than, say, Oakland County, but it certainly holds its own. If you want to taste for yourself, here’s a start: five great places for brunch in Ann Arbor.
Read the rest here.
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