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CEO Podcast: Shawn Planko, Expedia

December 20, 2017 Podcasts
Paul Krutko and Expedia podcast-square

About Our Guest:
Shawn has been in the IT and mobile industries for 19+ years, working for a few different companies during the Internet boom. He started off in quality assurance (QA) and now runs a team of QA managers, technical project managers, and developers. Shawn has his BBA with a focus in management.

About the Podcast:
Shawn speaks about his background and how he ended up at Mobiata, which was acquired by Expedia in 2010. He provides insight about Mobiata’s future and the products that are assisting people’s travel needs every day. You won’t believe how Mobiata got started and the rapid growth the company is experiencing. Listen to Shawn explain why Expedia chose to keep Mobiata in Ann Arbor and how being here is beneficial to the company and team.

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud