Copyright 2025 SPARK

Girl Develop It was founded in New York City in 2010. Today, Girl Develop It chapters are building strong, empowered communities in 53 cities, representing 55,000+ members nationwide.

Ronda and Emily are co-founders and chapter leaders of Girl Develop It – Ann Arbor. Ronda went back to college, unsure of what she wanted to do, took an introductory programming class as an elective and found her calling! Emily uses Search Engine Optimization at Stone Interactive Group, a local web design agency.

During their conversation with Paul Krutko, president and CEO of Ann Arbor SPARK, they are asked about their backgrounds and what got them into being a part of Girl Develop it, and their answers may surprise you! They elaborate on the importance of offering affordable programs for women interested in learning web and software development. They also touch on opening shop in Ann Arbor, and how the decision was an easy one based on the area’s support and tech-friendly community. Hear more about their passion for this non-profit during their podcast.

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud.