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Ann Arbor SPARK Launches Entrepreneur Book Club for 2021 book club banner
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We are very excited to announce a new initiative for 2021 — the SPARK Entrepreneur Book Club. Designed to foster great organizations, participants will build leadership skills by reading selected materials and discussing them with their peers.

While the guided discussion will be centered around entrepreneurship, the book club is open to everyone.

“One of the great things about being located in an incubator like SPARK Central or SPARK East is having a direct, day-to-day connection to other entrepreneurs going through the same challenges,” said Bill Mayer, Ann Arbor SPARK vice president, entrepreneurial services. “While the book club can’t replace that experience, it will provide the opportunity to have discussions around growing as a leader while you grow your business — conversations that would have happened organically if we were all together, in-person. We are excited to fill this void in our ecosystem.”

The first book is What Great Teams Do Great, written by our friends at Humanergy who will also be leading the conversations. A little more from the authors about the book:

“With the nearly impossible path to launch and grow a company, there’s also the great responsibility of leading and growing people who can achieve results. Successes and failures hinge on an entrepreneur’s everyday choices which impact the company’s operations and people. In this three-part book study, we’re calling on all entrepreneurs to look more closely at their everyday choices and execute proven processes for team greatness.”

Ann Arbor SPARK is purchasing the books through local retailer Blackstone. Details for picking up your complimentary copy will be provided in your registration confirmation email.

Session One: January 21 | Chapters 1 – 2
Session Two: February 4 | Chapter 3
Session Three: February 18 | Chapters 4 – 6