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Ann Arbor Named one of the Most Innovative Metro Hubs in the Country

January 3, 2019 Startup Ecosystem

A recent report by Verizon calculated the number of patents per 10,000 residents of each metro area to identify the most innovative metro areas in the U.S. Ann Arbor was ranked number nine.

According to the article, “Ann Arbor channels some of the energy of the massive automobile manufacturing hub less than an hour away and makes its own mark in the field. So it stands to reason that a good portion of patents around this area would have something to do with “Vehicles, Navigation, and Relative Location.” And it’s only natural that the runner-up class, “Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions,” is in direct correlation with the city’s well-established and lucrative biotechnology and health industries. So what’s next for Ann Arbor? A continuing focus on entrepreneurship, bolstered by the University of Michigan, and growth in website development and online media and tech companies. Not too shabby.”

Check out other Ann Arbor accolades.