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a2Tech360 in Review: Reflecting on a Successful Week of Innovation-Focused Virtual Events

October 7, 2020 Startup Ecosystem
a2Tech360 Recap

Thanks to everyone who joined us for a2Tech360 — the week-long celebration of the Ann Arbor region’s dynamic, growing, and innovating tech ecosystem. For the entire week, we had more than 4,000 registrations from 37 states and 25 countries for 16 events which produced more than 30 hours of content.

It was an exhilarating spotlight on the organizations, people, and ideas that make this community an attractive place to launch a business, build a career, or make an investment.

Interested in re-watching your favorite Tech Talk? Or do you want to check out an event your schedule didn’t allow you to attend live? We’ve got you covered.

The interactive map featuring Tech Trek and Mobility Row participating companies remains available. Be sure to check out the more than 60 company videos produced specifically for this event!

The Michigan Angel Summit and Ann Arbor Mobility Summit videos are premium content and available for purchase through October 9.

Visit our YouTube Channel to view individual presentations .