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Livability ranked the top 10 college towns in the country and in order to get on the list, towns had to have more than three colleges, and a high percentage of jobs in the education sector. They realized that a great town is about more than just numbers. It’s about being a breeding ground for culture, and a celebration of what makes our country great.


  • CollegeTown_v1_4_950Population of 25- to 29-year-olds
  • High percentage of jobs in education sector
  • Local restaurants and bars
  • Affordable housing
  • Diversity

The universities that made the list range from the elite and private, to the huge and public. Each of them gives as much as they get from their communities. Whether you’re looking for a place with career options, high wages, great housing options and plenty of things to do, or even a place to live the solo cup lifestyle, you’ll find it on this list.


The Top 10

1. Tempe, AZ

2. Irvine, CA

3. Columbia, SC

4. Cambridge, MA

5. Ann Arbor, MI

6. Tallahassee, FL

7. Fairfax, VA

8. Greensboro, NC

9. Denton, TX

10. Provo, UT