Ann Arbor SPARK’s annual events bring members of the business community together for shared interests and causes, from networking to recruiting.


Woman showing toddler a photo-SpellBound-TechTrek
Tech Trek participating company SpellBound demonstrates its AR product to a young attendee.

A week-long series of events celebrating innovation and inspiring Ann Arbor’s next great startup. Connect firsthand with leading tech companies that are disrupting industries and redefining innovation. Kicking off the a2Tech360 series of events is FastTrack. This award ceremony recognizes high-growth companies headquartered in Washtenaw County. As awardees are characterized by their rapid growth, rather than their absolute size, they can range in size from small companies to large enterprises.

The week concludes with everyone’s favorite event — the always festive A2 Tech Trek and Mobility Row!

Annual Meeting

2022 Annual Meeting audience and speaker
2022 Annual Meeting at the EMU Student Center.

The Ann Arbor SPARK Annual Meeting is attended by business, government, and academic leaders from across the Ann Arbor region. This insightful event is your unique opportunity to preview new projects and initiatives for the coming year.

Tech Homecoming

Attendees at SPARK Tech Homecoming
Companies recruit top talent at this annual networking-styled job fair.

Part happy hour, part job fair — Tech Homecoming connects talented professionals with Ann Arbor and its vibrant tech ecosystem. Traditionally held the night before Thanksgiving, in 2025 Tech Homecoming will be hosted the Thursday before the University of Michigan’s Homecoming Weekend as part of a2Tech360, aiming to inspire those who have moved away to return (or currently studying here & stay!) and build their careers in Ann Arbor’s dynamic tech community. Stay tuned for more a2Tech360 news!

Sponsorship Opportunities

You’ve heard of — and possibly attended — many of SPARK’s signature events. Learn more about becoming a sponsor.