Copyright 2025 SPARK

What if getting what you need is as simple as asking? One of the biggest barriers to success is the reluctance to ask others for what you need. Maybe you are having trouble getting leads for work opportunities or are stuck on a difficult project and overwhelmed. It can feel challenging to ask for help for many reasons…worried you’ll be a bother or fear of rejection. Maybe you don’t even know who to ask for help. But there is research showing that asking for what you need is a very effective strategy, and it can even be fun. This interactive workshop will help you overcome barriers and hone the skill of asking for help and give you lots of opportunities to practice within the session. The book, All You Have to Do is Ask, by Wayne Baker is the inspiration and source material for this workshop and will be presented by Sandra Finkel, MPH at Intentional Balance, LLC.

In this workshop you will: 

  • Determine your goals and needs.
  • Develop requests to meet your goals using SMART criteria.
  • Identify networks and individuals to ask for what you need.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset for asking and receiving


  • 11:45 am to 12:00 pm: Check-In, casual mingling, delicious lunch
  • 12:00 pm to 1:20 pm: Workshop
  • 1:20 pm to 1:30 pm: Wrap-up and close