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Improve employee attraction and retention by learning where to start, what to include, and how to compete in today’s job market, and to effectively manage pay transparency issues, laws, requirements, and trends. In this presentation, we share best practices for using compensation as a tool to attract, incentivize, and retain top talent. We also review recent pay transparency laws, discuss how your organization can be compliant if affected, and address common issues around maintaining internal pay equity within the organization.

Topics Include:

  • Basic compensation planning
  • Trends in pay transparency laws
  • Job board requisitions and preparing for compliance
  • Employer/Employee perspective

Speaker / Presenter Info:
Amy Cell, Founder & CEO, Amy Cell Talent
Human resources and talent thought leader. She’s an entrepreneur, connector, business leader, and ‘carpe diem’ enthusiast. Amy is passionate about people, mentoring, workforce development, community service, and talent attraction.