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Good Bye Annual Performance Review!  Making the Shift to Agile Performance  

For many years organizations have viewed the annual performance reviews as the most dreaded time of year. Employees see it as an isolated form of feedback that happens once a year and managers have complained the process is demotivating, time-consuming and cumbersome. The monotonous pattern and lack of insights into improvement areas these performance reviews possess make it even more difficult for both parties to find it meaningful. 

What is an agile performance review?

Agile Performance is a continuous and more comprehensive feedback system. It embraces the idea of assessing employee performance more frequently, as opposed to the traditional review process which is done once or twice a year.  Agile performance discussions are more communicative and collaborative, as managers and employees discuss the process of achieving goals, professional and personal development and continuously address roadblocks that hinder their progress.
In this interactive session learn how a 100 year old company is transforming its traditional performance review process into a best in class agile process and walk away with a simple roadmap to start your organizations transformation to Agile Performance!

Speaker: Rhonda DeLuca

  Sr. Vice President Global Human resources for the Terumo Cardiovascular Group