Since its launch in 2008, the SPARK East Business Incubator has become a magnet for innovation-based businesses – from entrepreneurs and start-ups to mid-sized companies, including LaVision, Inc.
SPARK East business incubator tenants such as LaVision have access to work-ready office facilities equipped with the latest technology. Networking events and educational programs are also available, such as attending a monthly meeting with the SPARK Entrepreneur Resource Board (ERB) – a group of experts in the fields of banking, finance, start-ups, marketing, sales, HR, and logistics. After presenting a five-minute report to board members and fellow entrepreneurs, tenants receive feedback to help stay on task and on target.
The primary mission of LaVision is to provide photonic measurement solutions to the scientific and industrial markets. It is involved in the innovation and development of imaging detectors, smart optical sensors, spectroscopy, lasers, measurement technologies and software tools. Founded in 1989, the company is a spin-off from Max Planck Institute and Laser Laboratory in Goettingen, Germany, and cooperates with leading scientists, research institutions and companies around the globe. Among the major cooperation partners are the Laser Laboratory Goettingen, the University of Aachen (RWTH), German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
LaVision, Inc.
Dr. Callum Gray
P: 734-485-0913
Ann Arbor SPARK
Shamar Herron
Manager, Michigan Innovation Equipment Depot and SPARK East Incubator
P: 734-527-9171