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(Excerpted from Washtenaw Literacy)

In Washtenaw County, statistics point to an illiteracy rate of 12%, about 27,000 citizens. Washtenaw Literacy
matches adult learners with trained volunteers who provide individual and group tutoring in reading and writing skills. Its core program is one-on-one tutoring, which holds an impressive success rate: more than 90% of the adults in these programs reach at least one of their goals.

World in a Basket is an annual fundraiser supporting the work of Washtenaw Literacy. This year’s event, “Celebrate Literacy. Celebrate Locally.”  is October 2, at 5:30, in Washtenaw Community College’s Morris Lawrence Building.  The evening includes drinks, strolling supper, and auctions of 100 gift baskets.  Tickets are $65 if purchased by September 18 – a $10 discount off the regular $75 price. This year’s emcee is Ann Arbor radio and television personality Lucy Ann Lance. Plus, the honorary host committee includes Tim McIntyre, author of Hire the American Dream, and Zingerman’s Paul Saginaw. All proceeds from the event go to fund Washtenaw Literacy’s programs. To learn more about Washtenaw Literacy’s “World in a Basket,” visit