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Every successful entrepreneur knows that customer discovery is an essential first (and ongoing) step in creating a new product, service, or business. Understanding who your potential customer is, what keeps them up at night, and what motivates them to solve those challenges, provides the foundation for everything from product development to more effective marketing and sales.

Join us for this two-part workshop to learn the fundamentals of customer discovery. Session one on May 15 will introduce the key customer discovery concepts and ground rules – along with pro tips for framing the right questions and how to conduct an effective interview. After you’ve had the chance to create your customer discovery plan, the second workshop on May 22 will provide hands-on practice with guidance from our expert coaches. Working together with SPARK’s entrepreneurial team you’ll have the opportunity to perfect your interview process and explore what the results mean for your product or business.

The Customer Discovery series is presented by Ann Arbor SPARK.