Copyright 2024 SPARK

Have a short-term project that’s been sitting idle? Hire a WCC student to complete it!

WCC is pleased to highlight an exciting way for you to connect with highly-motivated students and recent grads from institutions across the country, including you! Micro-internships are short-term, paid, professional projects designed to serve as a bridge to future employment opportunities.

Join representatives from Parker Dewey for 30 minutes on Thursday, August 10 at 1:00 p.m. to hear:

  • An overview of how micro-internships work
  • Examples of the types of projects students can complete
  • How these short-term projects create equitable access to professional careers in our community

Whether you’re in need of on-demand project support, looking to expand your talent pipeline, or reach new talent demographics, micro-internships are a valuable tool. This demo and walkthrough will show how this scalable concept supports your organization as well as students and recent graduates.

Click here if you’re ready to post a Micro-Internship now, or click here to register for the webinar and learn more.